Impact and Performance Report: April - June 2024 (Q1)

A summary of the breadth and depth of our work in the last quarter April - June 2024, issues/concerns and our forward plan for the next 3 months.

This quarter at a glance


Making a difference to care by helping to secure a ‘Health and Wellbeing Travel Grant’ to help connect communities and improve local people’s health and wellbeing.

Reaching Out

Healthwatch West Sussex conducted an Annual Stakeholder Survey to collect feedback on how we are performing and learn how we can develop further as a service for local people.

Supporting Local People to Navigate Health and Care

Helpdesk Team delivered a high volume of support and offer information, advice and guidance through our telephone helpline and via email enquiries.

West Sussex Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service (IHCAS) supported local people of all ages with self-help information, supported help or full advocacy. 

What people told us

Local people are particularly concerned about:

  1. Treatment/Care
  2. Access and Choice
  3. Waiting for appointments or treatment

During this quarter 

  • We joined over 20 community collaborations
  • We published 4 reports, 7 spotlight reports, Healthwatch West Sussex Annual Stakeholder Report as well as our Annual Report.
  • We completed 4 Enter & View visits

Download our reports

Impact and Performance Report Full April - June 2024 (Q1)
Impact and Performance Report Compact April - June 2024 (Q1)
Impact and Performance Report IHCAS April - June 2024 (Q1)

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