Healthwatch West Sussex Stakeholder Survey 2024

As part of our commitment to continued improvement, each year we review our performance and ask stakeholders to feed back to us on what we are doing well and areas for improvement.

We celebrate success and share good practice and also use the constructive feedback received to create an action plan for the coming year, which will be reviewed quarterly at Board meetings.

Stakeholders were asked about their awareness of our role and work; their relationship with Healthwatch West Sussex ; and the impact of the work we do, on their organisation, or on them individually as a service user. 

51 stakeholders provided us with constructive feedback for future improvements, and complimented us on the impact we make on health and social care service provision and commission.  

Our stakeholders told us:  

We were doing well at and should continue to do the following: 

  • Speaking to people about their views of the healthcare and social care system.
  • Making reports and recommendations.
  • Independence.
  • Signposting (including advocacy support).

We could do better at, and should therefore aim to do more of the following:

  • Improving communication with the wider system.
  • Always presenting a balanced view.
  • Clarity of independence.
  • Recruitment to extend the Team’s reach and resource pool.

Next steps 

To share this update with partners


Stakeholder Survey 2024

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