Crawley LCN Temporary Accommodation Lived Experience Project

The Crawley Local Community Network (LCN) wanted to better understand people’s experience of living in temporary accommodation - what is working well, what is difficult and what the real barriers are.


From initial conversations, we heard that cooking, sleeping, finances, health access and staying in touch with family, friends and community can be problems. 

But as an LCN, we wanted to truly understand the lived experience perspective about living in temporary accommodation from people living in temporary accommodation.

A survey was jointly devised and promoted widely through temporary accommodation sites during late September until the end of February 2025.

This report is based on the 126 responses received.


Some of the main issues shared by respondents covered: 

  • Safety and accommodation
  • Lack of storage space
  • Cooking facilities (which impacts on specific dietary needs)
  • Antisocial behaviour of others
  • Social isolation due to language barrier
  • No-visitors policy*
  • Anti-social behaviour
  • Rubbish and flies
  • Mess left by others, noise, drug use, harassment, to feeling unsafe.
  • Younger members of families of having to constantly change schools,
  • Loss of friendships and social networks
  • Having to change addresses with GP’s and other organisations

Some respondents shared what has been positive:

  • Ensured they and their family are safe
  • Not living in fear
  • Have a roof over our heads (not living on the street, sofa surfing, or living in their car
  • Independence
  • Privacy
  • Away from difficult situations

* It is important to add that the ‘no visitors’ policies relate to some but not all temporary accommodation.


Report: Crawley LCN Temporary Accommodation Lived Experience Project

What is the Crawley Local Community Network (LCN)?

Local Community Networks are multi-agency partnerships covering each district and borough in West Sussex. Focused on tackling local health inequality priorities, for example access to primary care, cancer screening, young people’s mental health, cost of living crisis and the health and wellbeing of people living in temporary accommodation. They work collaboratively with local and national partners, influencing decisions across a network of organisations.

Next steps

The report has been shared with Crawley Local Community Network members. 

The key themes from the report was discussed at the meeting in March -the key themes: cooking facilities, safety and accommodation, loss of relationships and belonging, effect on family, social and community, effect on children and young people, in work poverty, effect on people’s health, these will inform future workplans. 

Three other themes - lack of information, language conversations and provider policies - are part of the current workplans.

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