Healthwatch West Sussex Annual Report 2023-24: The value of listening

We are delighted to share ‘The value of listening’, our Annual Report for 2023-24.

It highlights how we have listened to the voices of the public, patients and partners and used people’s feedback, experiences and preferences to help shape health and social care in West Sussex, and across Sussex.
Image of Healthwatch West Sussex staff and volunteers in a meeting

We have undertaken a range of projects and initiatives over the last 12 months to engage with a diverse range of individuals and communities living in different areas of West Sussex, and worked hard to share these experiences and preferences on health and care services with commissioners and providers so that they focus on meeting the needs of local people.

Read our annual report

Year in review

Reaching out 

8418 people shared their experiences of health and social care services with us, helping to raise awareness of issues and improve care.

9330 people came to us for clear advice and information about topics such as mental health and the cost-of-living crisis.

Making a difference to care 

We published 35 reports about the improvements people would like to see in health and social care services.

Our most popular report was Exploring Low Uptake for Breast Screening in West Sussex which highlighted why breast screening invitations are not taken up in West Sussex.

Activity and Achievements

During 2023-24 we:

We championed local people’s voices, by hosting a workshop with our Integrated Care Board partners. Allowing people to contribute to a programme of work to improve engagement practices across Primary Care services.

We took steps to support our local Maternity Voices Partnership team with their work, sharing our ‘Enter & View’ methodology and training with them to inform their service visits.

We helped isolated communities have access to green places to improve their wellbeing, mental and physical health. Working in partnership with South Downs National Park and Community Transport Sussex, we collected insight from local people. South Downs National Park has now launched the Health and Wellbeing Travel Grant 2024/25.

Through our partnership approach with the West Sussex County Council Health Protection and Screening Manager, NHS England, NHS Southeast Cancer Screening and West Sussex Breast Cancer Screening, we helped to highlight the reasons why local people are not attending routine breast screening appointments.

We collaborated with Adur and Worthing LCN, Pathfinder and West Sussex MIND to conduct a survey surrounding mental health. We learnt from local people what would help them and their families emotional, mental, and physical health.

Working in partnership with NHS Sussex and Macmillan Cancer Support we learnt about people’s experience of the Cancer Care Review by Primary Care.

We reached out to our partnership network to find a meeting room for a local charity service to conduct in-person counselling sessions with young people.

Our Healthwatch in Sussex report ‘Living with Back Pain, understanding shared decision making (March 2022)’ was published nationally in the biography for the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance ‘Act now’ Musculoskeletal Health Inequalities and Deprivation report.

Priorities for 2023-2025

Our comprehensive and exciting programme of work for 2024-25 is already well underway, and is focused on delivering our four annual priorities:

  1. Mental Health
  2. Dentistry / General Practices 
  3. Adult Social Care
  4. Women’s Health
  5. Information, Advice and Signposting
  6. Independent Health Complaints Advocacy (IHCAS) funding

Please do keep sharing your experiences so that we can amplify your voices locally, across Sussex and nationally.

Thank you for your efforts and for the difference you make. Here’s to another year of growth, success, and making a difference in the lives of those we serve

Steve Cooper, Healthwatch West Sussex

Who we share our report with

Our Healthwatch Annual Report has been submitted to Healthwatch England, alongside reports from all local Healthwatch in England. 

We also share our report with West Sussex County Council as the commissioners of the local Healthwatch service, and with a wide range of our statutory and voluntary sector partners across West Sussex.  

If you find this interesting or you are interested in the work we do, please feel free to share or forward our annual report with your contacts or network.

Tell Us Your Experiences 

Take five minutes to share your experiences.

NHS and social care staff are doing everything they can to keep us well during these challenging times, but there might be things that can be improved for you and your loved ones. Please take five minutes to share your story with us.

Share your views

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Whether you'd like to share your feedback about health and care services, or you're looking for local support - get in touch.

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