Webinar Recording


Watch the recording of our webinar on 11th November with speakers and the public. More information on the event can be found here.


Watch full recording here

What is adult social care?

Do you or a loved one need help with social care? Find out answers to key questions about who can access adult social care and how to pay for it.

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What is a care needs assessment?

Under the Care Act 2014 , anyone can request a care needs assessment if they have physical or mental impairments. This is carried out by Social services, (for people with a disability from birth/childhood they will be supported by the Lifelong Services team), in West Sussex. The assessment will result in a care and support plan, which details how the care needs will be met.

For most children and adults this is delivered by domiciliary care or for a personal assistant (PA) to provide a number of care hours per week and sometimes days at a day care centre. In more demanding cases this might require a care home or supported living accommodation.

The cost is calculated along with the income (such as benefits) of the person receiving care. West Sussex County Council (WSCC) will decide how much the person concerned will pay towards their care in a financial assessment, unless the person has over £23,250 in savings, as this would mean they pay for their care support themselves.

People who have been assessed to pay towards their can will then receive a charging order and are invoiced monthly. 

What's happened?

In 2019, the cabinet member took the decision to reduce the amount the WSCC pay towards this care, but this was not implemented until January 2021. This has now resulted in more of the person’s ESA and PIP or other income being paid to the WSCC.

Many are now struggling financially with some going into debt to maintain the care they need or going without some of the care. 

We are collecting data and case studies to present to WSCC to inform them of the hardships now being encountered. We have asked the Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee to scrutinise the decision and operation of the financial assessment service and the impact the decision has had on people. The committee have power to make strong recommendations and to hold services to account.


Submission to Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee - Financial Assesssment Process (January 2022)
Financial Assessment Webinar Presentation - November 2021 (Contains contact details for the different stages of the financial assessment process and information from Citizens Advice)
Contact details for the different stages of the financial assessment process (Customer Journey) - November 2021
Financial Assessment Letter Template (November 2021) - EXISTING CUSTOMERS (Word doc)
Financial Assessment Letter Template (November 2021) - NEW CUSTOMERS - (Word doc)
West Sussex Financial Assessment Webinar - Questions and Responses. (Questions from the webinar and the replies provided by West Sussex County Council (WSCC) after the event).

Share your experiences

We are keen to hear from you if you have experienced an unexpected change in what you are expected to pay or are worried about how you will pay. We also want to invite you to share any questions you would like the scrutiny committee to put to the Council about this issue.

Email us at helpdesk@healthwatchwestsussex.co.uk

Call us on 0300 012 0122


We are working with West Sussex County Council on this issue and have called for an urgent review of the process and charges made in some cases. The WSCC Welfare Benefits Advice Officers provide a support line - 01243 642121