Loneliness Awareness Week 2024

Loneliness Awareness Week is a week dedicated to raising awareness of loneliness. It's all about creating supportive communities by having open, honest conversations. Loneliness is a natural human emotion - we are hardwired to need social connections. By talking about it, we can support ourselves and others.
Barista talking to a customer while giving her a coffee

By identifying and acknowledging all the times that we have personally felt and experienced loneliness, we can start to change our viewpoint, accept it and understand how to take action to manage the feeling (and our social connections) in the future. 

Feelings of loneliness can affect anyone, regardless of age, background, or experience. Loneliness and social isolation are associated with a wide range of health issues – physical and psychological – as well as poorer health outcomes and increases in mortality. Social isolation can be associated with cardiac vascular disease, depression, and anxiety. 

Are there different types of loneliness?  

There are different types, including: 

Emotional loneliness: When someone you were very close with is no longer there. This could be a partner or a close friend.  

Social loneliness: When you feel like you’re lacking a wider social network of friends, neighbours or colleagues.  

Transient loneliness: A feeling that comes and goes.  

Situational loneliness: Loneliness which you only feel at certain times like Sundays, bank holidays or Christmas.  

Chronic loneliness: When you feel lonely all or most of the time. 

What causes loneliness? 

Loneliness has many different causes, which vary from person to person. There are key life points which will increase the likelihood of feeling lonely. 

Some examples are: 

  • Moving away from home 
  • Starting university or a new job 
  • Becoming a new parent 
  • Experiencing mental health problems 
  • A relationship break-up 
  • Suffering a bereavement 
  • Retirement 
Random Acts of Connection

Random Acts of Connection encourages everyone to increase those simple, everyday moments of connection which help us feel happier and less lonely. Join millions of people across all societies taking part this year! 

What's on near you? 

Thousands of community activities will be taking place across the UK for Loneliness Awareness Week. Don't miss out - join something fun near you! 

Find an event

3 steps to feeling less lonely 

Loneliness can often feel overwhelming and something out of our control, so it can be useful to have a starting point.