Adur and Worthing LCN Mental Health Survey report

The survey aim was to find out the current needs, issues of concern, the barriers local people have in accessing services, to understand what provision and services currently help to support local people and their families emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing.


Healthwatch, Adur and Worthing Local Community Network, Pathfinder and West Sussex MIND worked collaboratively to learn from local people in the Adur and Worthing area what provision and services would help to support local people and their families’ emotional, mental, and physical health.

Read the full report


31 people from West Sussex shared their views with us. 

Self-rated their emotional health.

39% rated as very good and good and 61% rated as fair to poor. 

Self-rated their mental health currently.

45% rated as very good and good and 30% rating as fair and poor.

self-rated their physical health currently. 

48% rated as very good and good and 52% rated as fair to poor. 

Results show that the 50 -74 years age groups rating lower their emotional, mental health and physically health currently.

Highlighted issues

  • Access to support
  • Emotional and Mental Health
  • Physical health
  • Bereavement
  • Isolation and Loneliness
  • Barriers to attending groups
  • Confidence and Motivation Levels
  • Groups and activities

What barriers that prevent people attending local services and activities

31 responses to the question about what barriers there are that prevent people attending local community services and activities. 

The top five reasons are:

  • Having to go alone 
  • Confidence
  • Day and time of the activity 
  • Cost 
  • Health issues

Download the report

Report - Adur and Worthing LCN Mental Health Survey

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