Carers Week 2024

Carers Week is a national campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities.
Carer looking after her Mother

It also helps people who don't think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed support. 

A staggering 82% of carers surveyed by Carers UK said the impact of caring on their physical and mental health would be a challenge over the coming year, with nearly 60% adding that being valued as a carer would improve their wellbeing. 

What is a carer? 

Cares (unpaid) for family or friends who have a disability, illness or who need support in later life: Washing them, their laundry and their dishes. Keeping appointments and records. Giving medicine, time and hugs. Filling forms and fridges. Dealing with doctors, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, benefits agencies and care workers. 

Getting more support  

You can find out about local support groups and services by contacting Healthwatch West Sussex on 0300 012 0122, or fill in our form 

Carers Support West Sussex 

Are dedicated to offering unpaid Carers information, guidance, and emotional support. Their aim is to deliver a well networked and supportive approach for each carer in the city/town or village in which they live. It is about having a richer and deeper presence within each district of West Sussex, providing local solutions to family and friend carers. 


Helpline: 0300 028 8888 


Looking after yourself 

If you are in a caring role, it is vital you participate in looking after yourself – as no one can pour from an empty cup! These acts can be divided into three main pillars: prepare, stay connected and self-care.