Free Falls Management Exercise

You can reduce your risk of having a fall by making simple changes to your home and doing exercises to improve your strength and balance.
Group of older people doing chair exercises

How can Everyone Health help 

  • Initial falls assessment 
  • Attend once a week for 24 weeks 
  • Complete strength and balance exercise programme 

Who can Everyone Health help 

  • History of falls in the last 12 months 
  • Fear of falling 
  • Balance Problems/Feeling unsteady /any dizziness 
  • 4 or more medications a day 
  • Use of a walking Aid 
  • Medical condition that affects balance like Parkinson’s, Stroke, Dementia or Osteoporosis 
  • Medically Stable /any conditions under control



Tel: 0333 005 0095

Falls Management Exercise leaflet