We would like to hear about your experiences of using NHS dentistry over the last year.
I didn’t know about Healthwatch but I called them on the suggestion of a friend. I had quite a long story... it really helped me to talk it through with someone, to see a way forward and to point me in the right direction. Thank you.
Latest reports and publication
Your experiences of cancer screening
In December 2024, Healthwatch in Sussex sought experiences of bowel,…
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Poll Results: Adult Social Care Services
In November 2024, Healthwatch in Sussex sought your experiences of…
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Advice and information
Neurodevelopmental services (adult)
The Neurodevelopmental Service provides diagnostic assessments of neurodevelopmental conditions in adults.
Preparing for cold weather
In this article, you can find tips on staying well and where to find support with energy bills and keeping your home warm.
How to stay informed while you wait for care
The wait for planned medical health care or surgery can be frustrating. That’s why you must get regular and accessible updates while you wait.