Your experiences of using pharmacy services

In July 2024, the three Healthwatch teams in Sussex sought your experiences of using pharmacy services. Read the results.

This was due to the recent expansion in services provided by pharmacies and the launch of ‘Pharmacy First’ in January 2024 which you can read more about here

483 people from across Sussex shared their views with us. 

We heard:

  • Many respondents were aware of the new services offered by pharmacies. For example, over 50% of respondents knew they could get a flu vaccine and a blood pressure check at a pharmacy and access support for sore throats and earaches.
  • Uptake of new pharmacy services by respondents was generally lower than their levels of awareness, ranging from 2-12% with flu vaccinations the highest at 28%. 
  • If respondents had not used the services offered by pharmacies, the majority would go to either a GP (82%) or a nurse at their local surgery (38%) instead. Nearly a third (30%) would also use 111 services. 
  • Respondents were generally very satisfied with the services offered by pharmacies.
  • However, 62% of respondents had been affected by a lack of available medication in pharmacies and 28% by pharmacy opening hours.

Respondents to our poll said the following:

  • Pharmacies are too busy
  • Problems with dispensing of medication
  • Longer/ more accessible opening hours
  • Many people also had very positive things to say about their local pharmacy

Read the full report

HWiSX Poll Results Pharmacy First report

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