Cancer Care Review West Sussex Survey Report

Healthwatch West Sussex, NHS Sussex, and Macmillan worked collaboratively to gain insights from individuals with a cancer diagnosis, and those who support, carers, and family members.


This report shares the experiences of people with a cancer diagnosis, and those who support them, to learn if they have received a Cancer Care Review with their GP practice. It is recognised this is a small sample size to be regarded as statistically significant. However, it does provide an indication that the Cancer Care Review is not being fully supported by primary care as it could be.

From separate conversations with healthcare professionals, we have also learned that training about how to conduct the Cancer Care Review is needed and knowledge of who to refer people to within the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector.

In summary, the Cancer Care Review survey has highlighted that 82% of the 96 people who completed our survey with a cancer diagnosis are not aware of the Cancer Care Review and the benefits this review could have to support their journey through the NHS complex system.

Download the Cancer Care Review West Sussex Survey Report

There seems to be unclear communication with regards to:

  • Awareness of the Cancer Care Review
  • Benefits of pre-habilitation
  • Benefits of rehabilitation
  • Where to go to have questions answered
  • What is important to the person and who is important?
  • Who can support from the Voluntary and Community Sector

It appears that services are not consistent, connected or working in a pro-active collaborative way to give people the support they need and deserve.

Next Steps

  • This report will be shared widely through our social media and website and with NHS Primary Care, and Surrey and Sussex Cancer Alliance.
  • The Macmillan Cancer Care poster has been designed to raise awareness of the review in Primary Care.
  • Focus Group will be set up for the surgery staff who complete the Cancer Care Reviews.
  • Focus Group attendees will be invited to join a working group to scope out a specific Professional event. This working group will include lived experience, members from Cancer United and Olive Tree Horsham.
  • A specific Professional Event in the New Year 2025 to discuss the findings from this piece of work and report.

Cancer Care Review West Sussex Survey Report

Cancer Care Review West Sussex Survey Report

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