Spotlight report: The Good Neighbours Service

From The Royal Voluntary Service.

The Good Neighbours service provides support to older people living in West Sussex who are living alone and are socially isolated.

Good Neighbours offer a time-limited service of weekly visits for up to 12 weeks’, with the aim of helping older people re-engage with their local community, become more independent and feel less socially isolated.

This support could include:

  • Helping someone to access or attend a club or group.
  • Accompanying them on a short walk or outing.
  • Assisting them to go shopping, or to meet up with friends.
  • Giving them help to re-engage with former local contacts or to make new ones.

Further information

The service can also link people with other organisations across West Sussex or nationally, that provide advice, support, and activities. The Royal Voluntary Service can also provide ongoing Telephone befriending and a Virtual Village Hall service. 

All of the information for these services can be found on the RVS website.

Spotlight report: The Good Neighbours Service

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