Exploring Low Uptake for Breast Screening in West Sussex Report
The survey
This project is a partnership between West Sussex County Council Health Protection and Screening Manager, NHS England, NHS South East Cancer Screening, West Sussex Breast Cancer Screening and Health Watch West Sussex.
The survey was widely promoted across West Sussex, supported by the partnership and the survey has been fully or partially completed by 531 people.
Top reasons why breast screening invitations are not taken up
- Personal or work commitments 24%
- Fear and embarrassment 17%
- Lack of online booking 13%
Reasons given for not attending when invited
- Experience of the service, administration and information issues.
- Staff.
- Not being invited for the screening is aged over 70 years, not being invited for screening as aged under 53 years.
- Transport and parking, dignity, pain and discomfort, disability and accessibility of the screening unit, working age and personal choice.
In summary
There are many reasons as to why invitees to the breast screening invitation do not take up the appointment, such as arranging the appointment, location, age range and access.
The top reasons stated for not attending included due to work commitments, fear, embarrassment and the booking process. The system does need to consider a more flexible appointment approach for those we care and responsibilities and disabilities.
From the suggestions shared by responders, minor changes to the invitation letter are needed, more flexible appointments. Considerations for locations with better parking and transport access.
Promotion of the service through social media and local communities. Maybe local road show to promote that women complete the screening to reassure.
One area that came through very strongly was how much respondents appreciated the professionalism and efficiency of staff throughout the breast screening process.
Next steps
This report has been shared with West Sussex County Council Health Protection and Screening Manager, NHS England, NHS South East Cancer Screening Lead and West Sussex Breast Screening Lead.
Our aim is that the findings contained in this report and supplementary information not published will help inform appropriate changes to be considered to improve the service, ultimately to increase the take up of the breast screening invitation service.
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