Impact & Performance Report - January to March (Q4)
At a Glance
We are listening
We’ve been working to support the West Sussex youth voice in the development of emotional wellbeing and mental health support, and beyond. See page 6 for more information.
The Sussex Children and Young Peoples’ Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Strategy has improved language and tone as a result of our encouragement and input. Commissioners have worked with a youth engagement specialist who delivered the young people workshops as part of the development of the strategy, which should be published soon.
6,500+ stories and survey responses
Another insightful quarter. Thank you to everyone that has shared their experiences. This has offered us insight in real time, which is vital so we can support the system to understand the issues people face. We are taking some of these challenges to the April Sussex Cancer and Planned Care Forum (which we chair) so they can be unpacked and understood in more detail, with a view to finding solutions.
Providing valuable information
As the UK moves into living with COVID it is important that we support the NHS to help our residents understand the current challenges it faces, and to keep attention on some of the difficult areas faced by people, such as dentistry, and improving the access to GP-led Services (see pages 4-5).