Case Study: Partnerships and Communities Team at West Sussex County Council

This is an independent case study showing an example of Partnerships and Communities Team at West Sussex County Council’s story of adapting during the COVID crisis and what the future holds.

By working with our colleagues in the Voluntary and Community sector, we have a series of reports on our website that capture the experiences and issues from the point of view of services and groups that support local people in the community.

The Partnerships and Communities team are part of the Communities Directorate at WSCC, the directorate were responsible for the development of the COVID-19 Community Hub to support the most vulnerable residents in the County.

'Our team works in each district and borough area to implement the County Council's five core priorities and actively promote the nationally endorsed Five Ways to Wellbeing. We provide a place-based focus working in partnership.'

- Pete Lawrence, Partnership Area Manager

Read about how The Partnerships and Communities team adapted during the COVID crisis, in the report below.


VAAC COVID 19 Case Study - WSCC Community and Partnersip Lead

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