Your Health and Social Care - Insight into Action - report 1

What we've heard from you - insight from 15th March - 10th April 2020

Where is our insight coming from?

At present, our opportunity to directly engage with West Sussex residents is limited to social media, our website feedback and responding to calls and emails via our Helpdesk Hub Team.

We’ve therefore also asked our community partners to be our eyes and ears so we can understand the experiences of those they support.

Specifically, we’re asking people to share what is working well and where there are gaps and glitches within the provision and delivery of health and social care services in West Sussex. This report is a collation of all of these sources of insight.

At a glance

In normal circumstances, people want health and social care support that works for them - helping them stay well, get the best out of services and manage any conditions they face. Currently, COVID 19 has meant people are seeking to deal with some very basic needs in the face of fear and uncertainty.

We’ll produce this report (fortnightly) to show the public our partners and those that are accountable for health and care support and services, what people have shared and what has been done as a result.

We also regularly update our Frequently Asked Health & Care Questions Answered – in response to what we are hearing.


COVID Health Care Insight Into Action (Healthwatch West Sussex) - 15 April 2020

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