Community Partnerships: CREATE Young People’s Project
From the sessions already delivered it was noticed that a high percentage of young people acknowledged their mental health concerns and would like to be supported in raising awareness of these issues for themselves and others by sharing information and sign posting to other support organisations and inviting guest speakers to join the sessions to raise awareness. The group is now formed as a solid and positive group of young people and will continue to grow and develop.
Comments from some of the young people who attended:
- I just love it, can we use this green space more
- Just awesome I am so tired
- At least we have sun and grass
- Learning new team building skills is always good … and doing cart wheels!
- Talking to the staff whilst doing daft games was epic
- I want to learn about other stuff, I didn’t know about emotional health I only know about physical health
- We should do emotional health in school
The insight from each person was collated and anonymised and forms part of the insight and evidence that Healthwatch gather to identify common themes around what works and doesn’t work for local people.
If you are setting up or would like to share news of a similar project we would
be interested to hear from you. Please contact Cheryl Berry, Community
Partnership Co-ordinator