New integrated health and care system launched on 1 July

From the start of July, the way health and care works in Sussex is changing to help give local people what they need to live longer healthier lives.
Close up of a direction sign at a hospital

The ‘Sussex Health and Care System’ brings together the many different partners responsible for improving the health care, social care and public health for all our communities.

Healthwatch in Sussex is a key partner of this new system both at a Sussex level and at a place level – there are three places (Brighton & Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex).

Over the summer, we’ll be working with partners on a new West Sussex Partnership Forum that will join-up, co-ordinate and improve the health and care services for all our communities and support the implementation of an agreed a ‘Sussex Integrated Care Strategy’ in West Sussex.

Place-based working is key to the future delivery of NHS and care, and for this reason there is no legislative plans to merge local Healthwatch to form a Sussex Healthwatch. Instead, the three local Healthwatch in Sussex will continue to work collaborative on activities that are Sussex-wide. Our focus continues to be on the priorities of West Sussex residents and how we seek to understand the experiences of people and communities within our County.

How does the NHS in England work and how is it changing?

What are the key organisations that make up the NHS? And how can they collaborate with partners in the health and care system to deliver joined-up care? Watch this animation to find out: