Lifelong Services - a new service for people requiring social care

West Sussex County Council is creating a Lifelong Service for anyone that has a lifelong disability acquired before the age of 25
young female adult

The service is for people that require social care support either as a child or as an adult.

Moving from children’s to adults’ social services is a huge step for young people and services have not always responded in a way that is coordinated and person-centred.

In creating a single Lifelong service, the vision is to:

  • Offer early intervention

  • Build on a person’s strengths to develop skills and independence throughout all stages of their life journey
  • Promote and maintain safety and good health and
  • Facilitate employment

By providing a more joined up experience resources can be used in the best way and individuals can be enabled to live a ‘good life’ as defined by them.

What West Sussex County Council is doing?

Six areas of priority as follows:

  1. Workforce - Bringing children’s and adults disability social care and support services under one structure, (including occupational therapy for children and adults with lifelong disabilities)
  2. Working Practice and Culture - Designing a model that reflects the vision, including developing a single referral process Improved links with education and health services
  3. Governance, systems and performance - Ensuring structures and processes support the new way of working
  4. Market Shaping - Developing support and provision for all levels of need to achieve social inclusion, independence aspiration and resilience, and cost effectiveness
  5. Budget and Savings - Effective whole life budget planning supporting improved efficiencies across the Local Authority
  6. Communication and Co-production - Increasing the profile, sharing our journey and working with our customers and partners


  • Developed and embedded My Plan- an outcome-focused single assessment and planning document designed to be used by the person throughout their life journey
  • Designed a Lifelong Services ‘wiki’ with the aim of helping young people and those supporting them through their transition to adulthood
  • Recruitment to a permanent head of lifelong services is underway and we’ve secured transformation capacity to help deliver priorities
  • Learning from other Local Authorities about effective service models and delivery

More information 

Find out more about life-long services and how they can help people that has a lifelong disability acquired before the age of 25 and or autism through the link below.

Find out more

Have your say

West Sussex County Council want to co-produce the service so is very interested in your views.

If you wish to know more or want to say what you think please email Dave Sargeant at: