Healthwatch West Sussex follows the Good Governance code for the Community and Voluntary Sector.

Our current policies and procedures are outlined in the documents below.  We are in the process of publishing further policies and these will be available on this page in due course.

Safeguarding Children Policy

This is a policy for Healthwatch West Sussex Board members and Chief Officer.

Safeguarding Children and Young People

Adult Safeguarding Policy

This procedure sets out what is expected of Healthwatch West Sussex Board members, staff and volunteers who have been informed or have reason to suspect that an adult has been harmed or is at risk of harm.

Adult Safeguarding Policy

Equality Diversity Policy

This policy aims to outline Healthwatch West Sussex’s commitment to ensuring equality of opportunity and equal treatment for all staff, volunteers and board members.

Equality Diversity Policy

IHCAS Equitable Service Use Policy

The Equal Opportunities Policy details our commitment to equality of access and ensuring no person is treated less favourably  than others on any grounds.

IHCAS Equitable Service Use Policy

Business Continuity Policy

This Continuity Policy is designed to ensure that Healthwatch West Sussex services and Board can continue to operate (as far as possible) in the event of any unexpected disaster, incident or major occurrence.

Business Continuity Policy

Complaints Policy

Individuals and organisations have the right to express their views about the performance of Healthwatch West Sussex and the way in which it conducts its business.

Complaints Policy

Membership on Partnership Bodies Policy

Healthwatch West Sussex Membership of, an role on, Partnership Bodies and Board - Requests for Healthwatch to join a board.

Membership on Partnership Bodies Policy

Decision Making Policy

The Regulations for local Healthwatch state that each local Healthwatch must have a procedure for making relevant decisions. It also states that members of the public must be able to have access to meetings where these decisions are being made.

This policy and procedure relate to how Healthwatch West Sussex makes decisions about what action to take about issues that are reported directly to Healthwatch.

Decision Making Policy

Conduct of Board Business policy

This policy sets out how the Healthwatch West Sussex Board will meet its legal obligations for conducting its decision making meetings in public and allowing proper access to its policies, procedures, agendas and minutes.

Conduct of Board Business policy

Volunteer Policy

Healthwatch West Sussex takes its duty of care to its volunteers seriously and will support them to carry their tasks safely and recognises the contribution that volunteers make to support the work of the organisation.

Volunteer Policy

Modern Slavery Statement

Healthwatch West Sussex is committed to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the abolition of modern slavery and human trafficking. 

Modern Slavery Statement