November 2021

Raising awareness of Parkinson's - webinar for patients and carers

Online Community Meetings
Online via Zoom
Thursday 18th November, 2021 - 16:00 to 17:00

About this event

Healthwatch West Sussex and Parkinson’s UK are hosting two webinars during Self-Care Week (15th to 19th November).

About this event

We have two aims: is to raise awareness of Parkinson’s from the lived experience – hospital settings, medications, caring for someone with Parkinson’s – to help contextualise what it is like to live with the health condition to promote a more personalise approach. Our second aim is to raise awareness of the work of Healthwatch West Sussex.

The first webinar for healthcare staff is on Tuesday 16th November 2-3.30pm. The link for this webinar can be found here.

Our second webinar for patients, and those supporting or caring for someone living with Parkinson’s will be on Thursday 18th November 4-5 pm. 

These webinars are to raise awareness of Parkinson’s, contribute your thoughts and to seek answers to any burning questions that you may have.

Contact details

If you would like to contact us about this event, please email cheryl.berry@healthwatchwestsussex.co.uk or ajack@parkinsons.org.uk

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