July 2021

Reconnecting with relatives/family carers of Care Home residents

Online Community Meetings
Monday 19th July, 2021 - 16:30 to 18:00

About this event

Following on from our series of webinars for relatives and family carers in January – March 2021 we are pleased to share the above date and time with you to host our next event: ‘Reconnecting with Relatives and Family Carers of Care Home Residents’ webinar.

This webinar will be a Sussex wide event and the programme will be developed with carers/relatives and Carers Support organisations as in the previous webinars.

We are already aware of the significance of this date, hence the early notice to ensure we can be fully prepared to listen to relatives/carers concerns i.e.

  • It is the revised date for all Covid restrictions to be lifted – how will that impact on visiting arrangements?
  • It will be two days before the CQC will be releasing details regarding the number of deaths reported in Care Homes and all the ramifications that brings; and
  • We are already capturing feedback/views from carers on the mandatory vaccinating of care home staff.

We anticipate that this event will generate lots of interest from relatives and carers.

Download the programme here.

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