Heads Up - July 2024

Keeping you up to date with health and social care news, views, events and research.
Heads Up - Keeping you up to date with health and social care news.

This months highlights:

  • Our Annual Report for 2023-24
  • Adur and Worthing LCN Mental Health Survey report
  • Experience of being seen by a Physician Associate report
  • Healthwatch West Sussex Stakeholder Survey  
  • Share your experience of using pharmacy services
  • Carers and health appointments 
  • Up to 1.5 million disabled people could be missing out on social care support  
  • Chlamydia Online Self-testing in West Sussex 
  • Get the help you need with the dental helpline  
  • Local events  

Click here to read our July newsletter

Remember you can subscribe, to get these in your inbox every month. 

Our previous newsletter (June 2024) can be seen here.