World Youth Skills Day 2024

World Youth Skills Day, to celebrate the importance of equipping young people with skills for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship.
A group of youth volunteers standing in a line outside on a field

Young people are an essential voice that should be heard.  

They’re tomorrow’s service users and the workforce of the future. We actively seek their views and opinions, and support them to ‘have their say’ and ‘their voices heard’. 

Volunteering with Healthwatch West Sussex. 

Find out more about the exciting volunteering opportunities for personal and professional growth with Healthwatch West Sussex. 

Examples of how you get involved: 

  • social media  

  • writing  

  • vlogging  

  • analysis 

  • research 

  • public engagement 


What is Healthwatch West Sussex Youth? 


A forum where you can share your opinions and experiences of local health care. 

Somewhere to find out information. 

A place to share and develop ideas of what services could do to make health and care work better for you.