Deafblind Awareness Week 2024

Deafblind Awareness Week is a key event in our calendar and every year, we strive to help more and more people understand deafblindness and how it affects people.
A deafblind person sitting in a cafe

Deafblindness is a combined sight and hearing impairment which affects over 450,000 people in the UK. It doesn’t always mean no sight or hearing, although for some people this is the case. Deafblindness affects everyone differently, some people need to make small changes to the way they go about everyday life, and some people will rely on others for communication and getting about. 

What is deafblindness? 

Deafblindness is having both sight and hearing loss that affect your everyday life. 

Some people are born deafblind. This is called congenital deafblindness. Others become deafblind later in life. This is known as acquired deafblindness.  

Read more about deafblindness

Identifying Deafblindness 

Thousands of people in the UK are living with sight and hearing loss, but how can you tell whether you, or someone you know, is one of them? 

Early signs of sight loss include: 

  • Difficulty reading books and newspapers or watching TV 
  • Difficulty recognising people, particularly in unexpected situations 
  • Often thinking that you need new glasses 
  • Being uncomfortable in bright and/or low lighting 
  • Finding it hard to read facial expressions 
  • Being unable to find something that you have lost without using your hands or asking for help 
  • Finding it difficult to move around in unfamiliar places or in familiar places that have changed

Early signs of hearing loss include: 

  • Asking people to repeat themselves or to speak louder 
  • Difficulty hearing the TV or radio or music and/or having the volume turned up high 
  • Not hearing the doorbell or the telephone ringing 
  • Complaining that people are mumbling or speaking too quickly 
  • Finding it hard to understand unfamiliar people 
  • Avoiding using the phone 

Information and support

Deafblind UK 

Live better with sight and hearing loss. Our wide range of services are designed to help you continue to live the life you love. 

Free helpline: 0800 132 320 

Text: 07903 572 885 

Text relay: 18001 then 0800 132320 

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