Love Your Lungs Week 2024

Love Your Lungs Week aims to raise Awareness of Lung Conditions. Love Your Lungs Week is an initiative started by the British Lung Foundation, now Asthma and Lung UK, to raise awareness and focus on lung health.
Lady standing outside breathing in air

Every day you take about 25,000 breaths, mostly without thinking. Our lungs are amazing, and it is important that we do all we can to look after them. Many things can affect our lung health from air pollution, diet, lifestyle, work and more. 

Your breath test from Asthma and Lung UK 

Feeling short of breath sometimes is healthy and normal – but sometimes it can be a sign of something more serious. Answer these simple questions to see what you should do next. It should only take about two minutes. 

Show your lungs some love  

One of the ways in which you can show your lungs some love is by improving the air that you breathe in. Whilst it’s difficult to do much about the air outside, there are small changes that you can make to improve the air you breathe in your homes. 


  • Keep rooms aired out – Regularly open your windows for 5-10 minutes, especially when cooking or showering to keep the airflow moving. 
  • Regularly vacuum – It’s a good idea to vacuum weekly to remove dust and dirt particles, especially if you or anyone you are living with has allergies. 
  • Keep your home warm – keep the temperature of your home between 18 °C and 21 °C to prevent any damp or condensation. 
  • Have a smoke-free house – do not smoke or allow others to smoke inside your house. Smoking is one of the biggest causes of lung cancer and is responsible for more than 7 out of 10 cases 
  • Use products that are chemical free – products that do not contain harmful chemicals and are allergy friendly are the best to avoid indoor air pollution. 

Find lung conditions and health information

Asthma and Lung Helpline  

The Asthma and Lung helpline team is trained to give you information on many aspects of living with a lung condition. You can talk to the helpline about anything - from how to manage your condition, to going on holiday. Or just to chat.  

0300 222 5800 

WhatsApp: 07378 606 728  


Sussex Lung Disease Support Group 

Sussex Lung Disease Support Group is for people living with chronic lung conditions such as COPD, Bronchiectasis and Interstitial Lung Disease. 

Family members and carers of people living with these conditions are very welcome. 

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