Heads Up - June 2024

Keeping you up to date with health and social care news, views, events and research.
Heads Up - Keeping you up to date with health and social care news.

This months highlights:

  • Tell us your experiences of using eConsult 
  • Report: Your experiences of Memory Assessment Service (MAS) in Sussex.      
  • Quarterly Impact & Performance Reports
  • Report: Your experiences of Hospital Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS) in Sussex
  • Spotlight report: The Good Neighbours service   
  • Spotlight report: The Sickle Cell Society      
  • Local events and meetings
  • Healthwatch West Sussex youth
  • Essential Toiletries Kits
  • Help shape the future of the NHS 

Click here to read our June newsletter

Remember you can subscribe, to get these in your inbox every month. 

Our previous newsletter (May 2024) can be seen here.