Are you living with physical pain? Share your experiences

We are asking people aged over 18 years to share their experiences of living with physical pain.
Woman touching back of her neck

Healthwatch in Sussex believe that comparing lots of different people's experiences helps us, and in this case the NHS, to learn what is and isn’t working.

We are asking people aged over 18 years to share their experiences of living with physical pain. As by focusing on what matters to you, helps you to have more choice and control over the way your pain management and care is planned and delivered.

Your answers are important as they will help to shape the design of services, as the NHS will be re-purchasing (commissioning) services from April 2023 to help people see the right person/clinician at the muscular skeletal services.

"Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions account for 30 per cent of GP consultations in England. Low back and neck pain are the greatest cause of years lost to disability in the UK, with chronic joint pain or osteoarthritis affecting more than 8.75 million people in the UK."


Share your experiences

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Survey closes 31 January 2022.

If you have questions about this survey, or would prefer to complete this over the phone, please call 0300 012 0122 or email

All responses you provide will be anonymous. We will collate individual responses during the analysis, but this will not include identifiable personal information. Healthwatch in Sussex is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and security. We process any personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations [GDPR] and the 2018 Data Protection Act.