Essential Toiletries Kits

Cost of Living response, West Sussex Libraries will again be providing Essential Toiletries Kits to residents.
Essential Toiletries Kits

The Essential Toiletries Kits (which will all be in a brown paper bag) will contain:

  • shampoo
  • body wash
  • roll on deodorant
  • toothpaste 

Adults and children’s toothbrushes will also be available for people to add to the Kits themselves, depending on their needs. 

They will be available from every library and will be on display for anyone to pick up and take away if they would like one.

The Kits will be available in libraries while stocks last. 

How does it work?

Essential Toiletries Kits will be available for free in every one of our 36 libraries around West Sussex. All customers need to do is to visit their local library and find the display of the Essential Toiletries Kits. 

They can then help themselves to a bag, add a toothbrush (either an Adult or Child’s) and then tick a sheet for our data records to say which group best represents their household – families with children/people with disabilities/older people or other if the previous categories do not relate to their circumstance.

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact either Vicki Davey or Cara Lambert at West Sussex Libraries.